Here are the PC graphics settings for Watch_Dogs 2

Watch_Dogs 2 releases in a couple of days and below you can find the game’s PC graphics settings. What’s also interesting here is that Ubisoft went for an ansi art style for the game’s settings, something that looks quite cool and clever.

But anyway, PC gamers will be able to adjust the quality of Geometry, Extra Details, Terrain, Vegetation, Textures, Texture Filtering, Shadows, Headlight Shadows, Water, Reflections, Screenspace Reflections, Ambient Occlusion and Anti-Aliasing.

In addition, PC gamers will be able to enable/disable San Francisco Fog, Depth of Field, Motion Blur, Bloom and Temporal Filtering.

Ubisoft has also included a Field of View option, as well as a Render Scale option (called Pixel Density).

Stay tuned for our PC Performance Analysis!
