New Dawn of War III trailer focuses on the game’s environments

SEGA and Relic have released a new trailer for Dawn of War III in which Art Director, Matt Kuzminski, and Lead Environment Artist, Tristan Brett, speak to the inspiration and design process behind the worlds that will form the foundation of Dawn of War III, and act as a canvas for a new era of endless war.

These environments include:

  • Cyprus Ultima: Filled with details and history, Cyprus Ultima has a medieval style that expresses the war-ravaged way of life for people in the 41st millennium.
  • Cage World: A true alien environment, Cage World’s ever-evolving landscape means the ground can literally shift beneath your feet, so you can never be sure where the battle will take you.
  • Starfort: With massive structures towering over each battlefield, the scale of the weaponry on display in this gothic battle station is the ultimate in Imperium technology.
  • Acheron: From first glance, where waves of lava clash against mountains of snow and ice, it’s clear that the elements aren’t all that’s at war on Acheron. Home to nothing but violence, the beautiful glaciers serve as frozen tombs for the battles of the past, and as the stage for some of the largest battles you’ll face in Dawn of War III.


Fog of War #3 - Environment Showcase