Red Dead Redemption 2 feature 4

Red Dead Redemption 2 gets an AI-enhanced HD Texture Pack that improves all weapons

Modder ‘WickedHorseMan’ has released a new AI-enhanced HD Texture Pack for Red Dead Redemption 2. This pack attempts to improve all the original weapons, straps and scopes.

Moreover, the modder plans to release another version that will cover all DLC guns, melee weapons and throwables. Thus, and if you thought the weapons textures looked a bit washed out, we suggest downloading and trying this pack.

You can download the Texture Pack from here. Below you can also find some comparison screenshots. The vanilla version is on the left, whereas the modded version is on the right.

Since this is an HD Texture Pack, I don’t really expect Take-Two to take it down. Then again, this is Take-Two we’re talking about so who knows. Thus, we suggest downloading it while you still can.


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