Starfield feature-4

AMD announced that it will be Starfield’s exclusive PC partner

AMD has just announced that it will be Starfield’s exclusive PC partner, and shared an announcement video. In this video, Todd Howard confirms that Starfield will be using Creation Engine 2; an enhanced version of the engine used in Bethesda’s previous games.

AMD claims that the game will be able to utilize multi-core CPUs. Moreover, Todd Howard confirmed that the game will be using FSR 2.0.

As you may have guessed, the game does not appear to have any specific PC-only Ray Tracing effects. This is a missed opportunity as Starfield could really benefit from RTGI, RTAO and RT Shadows.

What’s also disappointing here is the fact that Starfield won’t support NVIDIA’s DLSS 2 or DLSS 3. As we reported a few days ago, AMD appears to be preventing developers from using NVIDIA’s AI upscaling tech. This is another bummer as Starfield seems likely to be a CPU-heavy game, so DLSS 3 would have been ideal for it.

Ironically, we might see modders implementing support for DLSS 3. PureDark has already done this in previous Bethesda games like Fallout 4 and Skyrim.

Starfield will release in September. You can also find here the game’s official PC system requirements.

Stay tuned for more!

AMD is Starfield’s Exclusive PC Partner