AMD FSR 3.0 feature

AMD FSR 3.0 has exposed the ugly truth about most PC gamers

You know, I wasn’t planning to publish an article like this. However, I can’t believe how people have immediately switched sides the moment AMD released FSR 3.0 Frame Generation. From comments like “I don’t want fake frames“, we went, in the blink of an eye, to “My RTX2060 lives again, FSR 3.0 doubled my performance“. And this right here exposed the ugly truth about most PC gamers.

Most PC gamers are whiny little kids with zero knowledge who pretend to know things. Now I’m not saying that all PC gamers are clueless or whiny. However, a big part of the PC community acts like that, especially today with the rapid rise of social media. Angry reactions can attract more views on both X/Twitter and YouTube, and some are trying to increase their audience this way. And, like it or not, it works.

When NVIDIA released DLSS 3, everyone was calling Frame Generation a total flop. Everyone was against those “fake frames“. Hell, that line became an industry joke. Not only that but everyone and their mother had an RTX40 series GPU. Everyone tested DLSS 3. And everyone disliked it, claiming that they were feeling the extra input latency. Because yes, on the Internet, everyone has the latest and greatest GPU. Trust me, bro.

Fast forward a few months and here we are with AMD’s FSR 3.0. And suddenly, the narrative has completely changed. People are suddenly fine to be gaming at 60fps WITH FSR 3.0, without noticing any input latency issues. Let me repeat that. 60fps with FSR 3.0. When the same people could, miraculously, notice the extra input latency of DLSS 3 at 120fps. And what about the “fake frames” and their visual artifacts? You know, those artifacts you could only see when running a video at 25% speed. Well, who cares? After all, “FSR 3.0 gives me a free boost“. So why was DLSS 3 criticized so heavily?

Well, we all know why a lot of PC gamers picked their pitchforks. It wasn’t due to the extra input latency and it wasn’t due to the fake frames. It was because DLSS 3 was exclusive to the RTX40 GPU series, and most of them couldn’t enjoy it. And instead of admitting it, they were desperately trying to convince themselves that the Frame Generation tech was useless. But now that FSR 3.0 is available? Now that they can use it? Well, now everyone seems to be happy about it. Now, suddenly, Frame Generation is great. Ironic, isn’t it?

And I don’t blame the YouTubers who released mad/angry videos about DLSS 3. Their ultimate goal was to get more clicks, and they succeeded. However, PC gamers – and people in general – should start using their heads, and not blindly following what “x” YouTuber said. They should try things themselves before expressing opinions about things they haven’t gotten their hands on. Common sense, I know.

A similar thing happened with Ray Tracing. A lot of people called it a gimmick, even though they didn’t have a clue of what it was and how it could improve graphics. From the very first moment, we said that RT can be used to improve the lighting in games. And we were right. RTGI and RTAO are the best uses of RT in modern games.

So yeah, the release of the AMD FSR 3.0 was quite interesting. And most importantly, the mods that allowed you to enable FSR 3.0 in all the games that already used DLSS 3.0. Those mods exposed the people who hadn’t tested DLSS 3 and still hated it. Hell, some even found AFMF to be great (which is miles worse than both FSR 3.0 and DLSS 3). But hey, everything goes out the window the moment you get a free performance boost on YOUR GPU, right? Oh, the irony…