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Black Myth: Wukong gets brand new beautiful 4K screenshots

Game Science has released a new set of beautiful 4K screenshots for Black Myth: Wukong. These screenshots are from the game’s latest build and showcase its incredible visuals. So, go ahead and take a look at them.

Black Myth: WuKong is a third-person game that is based on Journey to the West. The game will focus on the Monkey King and his special abilities. Additionally, it will offer players 72 different abilities to use, and it will have a lot of bosses to fight.

The game promises to have a diverse cast of adversaries, each with unique strengths. As the Destined One, aside from mastering various staff techniques, you can also freely combine different spells, abilities, weapons, and equipment to find the winning formula that best suits your combat style. From what we’ve seen, the game will rely heavily on dodging enemy attacks. So, think of it as a mix of Sekiro and Dark Souls. However, instead of parrying, you’ll have to be dodging the enemy attacks.

A couple of months ago, NVIDIA revealed that the game will have full Ray Tracing on PC. This means PC gamers can enjoy ray-traced Global Illumination, Shadows, and Reflections. The game will also support NVIDIA DLSS 3.5 Frame Generation and Ray Reconstruction. However, we don’t know yet if it will support AMD FSR 3.0. Since this is a UE5 game, Game Science could add support for it. And if they don’t, modders will probably make it happen.

Earlier this month, Game Science also shared the game’s official PC system requirements. These PC specs are in line with what we’ve seen for other UE5-powered games. So, expect this to be a GPU-heavy title. Moreover, the devs confirmed that Black Myth: Wukong will be using the Denuvo anti-tamper tech.

On a personal note, I’m really excited for this game. The art style looks amazing, and the graphics are incredible. The fighting also seems quick and smooth. Unlike other Souls-like games, the main character doesn’t feel heavy. The dodge mechanics are also easier to use than in other games, which I think is great.

Black Myth: Wukong will be released on PC on August 20th.

Enjoy the screenshots and stay tuned for more!

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