FF7 Rebirth PC screenshots-2

New Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth trailer details its PC features

Square Enix has just released a new trailer for Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth that details its PC features. These PC features are the exact same with those that SE revealed in December 2024. So, don’t expect anything new, like say Ray Tracing or Path Tracing.

Square Enix has updated some of the 3D models and textures. To be more precise, the LoD for background models and MIP maps for background textures can both be freely configured in the options settings. With this background polygon density and texture density can be set higher than previously. Moreover, the devs have improved the lighting in some areas. Plus, there will be support for DLSS from the get-go.

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth had major performance issues on PS5. So, I’m curious to see how the game will perform on PC. Square Enix has not upgraded the version of the UE it used. This means that it’s still running on Unreal Engine 4, and not on Unreal Engine 5.

Let’s hope that the game won’t suffer from major traversal or shader compilation stutters. Final Fantasy 7 Remake had some traversal stutters, especially in crowded areas. So, let’s hope that the devs will at least do something about them.

For what it’s worth, SE has not listed Denuvo on the game’s Steam store page. And, since FF7 Remake Intergrade does not have it, Rebirth may not also use it. However, Final Fantasy 16 does have Denuvo. So, I won’t be surprised if Square Enix adds it at the last minute.

Square Enix will release Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth on PC on January 23rd. You can also find the game’s PC system requirements here. So, make sure to check them out.

Enjoy and stay tuned for more!