Anna – Three New Screenshots Released

Dreampainters have just informed us about some new screenshots of their upcoming adventure game, Anna. Anna is powered by the Unity Engine and features real time rendering with explorable environments. Anna is an adventure game where players will be able to do all the classic point-and-click operations: combine objects, use the objects with the environment and so on, and will be released exclusively on the PC.
Anna is a point-and-click adventure but players can explore and move around the world with the usual “first-person shooter” controls: mouse and WASD. Dreampainters is a small indie game and their main interest – at this point – is to provide the best playing experience on PC, using its capabilities to provide the kind of game they want.
The game features 3 different endings, which are triggered according to your behaviour in the game. Anna will provide you different paths, environments and puzzles according to the path you’re walking, providing you 3 different experiences, each one of around 3 hours. This means that exploring Anna will take you around 9 hours, or so.
Anna is currently slated for a May 18th release on the PC. Enjoy!