Prey 2 Announcement Coming On March 1st

Prey 2
Our reader Sid Spyker has informed us about a new website that looks like to be a counter for an upcoming announcement about Prey 2. At first glance, this site looks kind of weird and alien. Taking a look at the source code though reveals some interesting information, as well as a date.
As the keywords suggest, this is definitely a website with regards to Prey 2:
       <html xmlns=””>
<meta name=”keywords” content=”Prey, Prey2, Prey 2, FPS, Bethesda Softworks, Human Head Studios, Alien Noire” />
<meta http-equiv=”Content-Type” content=”text/html; charset=utf-8″ />
Bethesda was quick enough to alter the website’s source code and removed it. However, the website indicates another hint about Prey 2. At the bottom of the source code, we clearly see a reference to Tommy.
A hidden comment suggests that Tommy needs us. Tommy? Who Tommy. Oh, that Tommy.
There was a rumor – back in March 2012 – that Prey 2 was cancelled. Bethesda stated in April that the game was not cancelled, however it was not planned for a 2012 release and could hit platform in 2013. Later on, Bethesda removed Prey 2 from its product line-up.
This could very well be the start of Prey 2’s ‘next-generation’ hype, so stay tuned for more!