Weekly UDK Gallery [April 7th – 13th]; Duke Nukem 3D comes to Unreal Engine

UDK fans, today we bring you new shots from the works of 3D artists JustGarry, DQ89, odd_enough, kippernicus, Mr Smo, brandonorden and Steveeeie. The highlight of this week is Mr Smo’s amazing castle-beach environment, as well as Steveeeie’s recreation of Duke Nukem 3D’s environment. Mr Smo has done an outstanding job, proving that Unreal Engine is capable for more than what most developers offer these days. Enjoy!

Mr Smo no1Mr Smo no2Mr Smo no3Mr Smo no4Mr Smo no5Mr Smo no6Steveeeie no1DQ89 no1DQ89 no2DQ89 no3JustGarry no1kippernicus no1brandonorden no1odd_enough no1