Fan-made Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception In CryEngine 3 Gets Updated With Better Sand


A couple of weeks ago, we presented you some images from a fan-made project that aimed to recreate Uncharted 3 in CryEngine 3. Naturally, a lot of people criticized this project’s sand textures, which is perhaps why modder ‘PianoPolish’ decided to enhance them and release some new screenshots. The end result comes really close to what Naughty Dog has achieved, so kudos to the modder. In addition, we bring you some new shots from modders andresilveira86, darkchazz, Maximum-Dev, MyMoMisnOObtoo, Novation, ReVan1199, snakeLK2 and USSR_GRAND. Enjoy!

PianoPolish no2PianoPolish no6PianoPolish no1PianoPolish no3PianoPolish no4PianoPolish no5andresilveira86 no1andresilveira86 no2andresilveira86 no3andresilveira86 no4ReVan1199 no1ReVan1199 no2MyMoMisnOObtoo no1darkchazz no1Maximum-Dev no3Maximum-Dev no2Maximum-Dev no1snakeLK2 no1Novation no1Novation no2Novation no3USSR_GRAND no1