Sunset Overdrive reported to be coming to the PC

NeoGAF’s industry insider ‘Enter the Dragon Punch’ has claimed that Sunset Overdrive is coming to the PC. Enter the Dragon Punch can be considered a trusty source for such leaks as he has already proved his credibility in the past (by leaking a number of games).

As ‘Enter the Dragon Punch’ wrote when a NeoGAF member wondered whether it was worth keeping an Xbox One console:

“Sunset Overdrive is coming to PC, so whatever. Keep it for MCC, otherwise sell it.”

When asked about it, Enter the Dragon Punch said that this information comes from a “very, very solid source.”

We expect Microsoft to reveal the PC version of Sunset Overdrive during either its E3 press conference or the PC Gaming E3 Show.

Stay tuned for more and kudos to our reader ‘Inhuman0’ for bringing this to our attention!