Battlefield 5 RTX NVIDIA

Benchmarked – Battlefield 5 can be played with 60fps at 1440p with real-time ray tracing RTX effects

As we’ve already reported, theĀ Battlefield 5 Chapter 1: Overture update is currently available for download. DICE and NVIDIA claimed that this patch comes with some impressive performance improvements for the real-time ray tracing RTX effects and as such, we’ve decided to benchmark our RTX2080Ti and see whether the game can be played at 1440p on Ultra settings.

For our benchmark purposes, we used the forest level from the France single-player campaign mission. This level is one of the most taxing ones, especially when it comes to the real-time ray tracing effects. And we are happy to report that DICE and NVIDIA were not exaggerating about the performance improvements that were introduced in this latest update.

While previously we were unable to get a smooth gaming experience at 1080p, our EVGA GeForce RTX2080Ti XC Gaming graphics card was able to run Battlefield 5 at 1440p on Ultra settings and Ultra RTX with a minimum of 53fps and an average of 65fps.

As such, Battlefield 5 is the first game with real-time ray tracing effects that can run smoothly on higher resolutions than 1080p. It’s pretty incredible what DICE and NVIDIA have achieved here, and it will be interesting to see whether all the other developers that will be using RTX will be able to match or surpass these performance numbers.

Below you can find some screenshots from the single-player campaign with RTX enabled!