Category Archives: Articles

The Quick & Dirty: Episode 2, February 14th

Well a meaty week for PC news means a juicy Quick & Dirty. Cheeseburgers anyone? Sorry I was late with this one, Valentine’s Day folks! Also I think something’s wrong with my right ear? It’s a national tragedy, they’re already starting the protests. “Fix his ear!”, “Ear Fixes now!”. You bet your ass they are. Quick & Dirty time. Continue reading The Quick & Dirty: Episode 2, February 14th

Twitch Stream: Dota 2, Maybe Some Alien Isolation

Spence here, I’ll be streaming Dota 2 and maybe some Alien: Isolation. When I stream Dota 2 I’ll be up for viewers joining me and my friend’s party, however I must note: I’m a tad rusty and we are both doing the all hero challenge, meaning we could seriously play horribly with some of these heroes. Feel free to mock us! Continue reading Twitch Stream: Dota 2, Maybe Some Alien Isolation

The Quick & Dirty: Weekly PC News Digest!

The Quick & Dirty is a new series I’ve decided to try out, if you all hate it…. Well I can burn it to some type of optical media, ship it to burning man and they can re-burn it or something…. The Quick & Dirty is a no-frills weekly show that sums up some of the previous week’s news. It’s for busy (or bored) people and it is intended to be under 15 minutes long, though that time limit isn’t guaranteed it’s what I’ll strive for. Each episode I’ll summarize the news +  give you my view on things. Constructive feedback? Please! Continue reading The Quick & Dirty: Weekly PC News Digest!

Come Join My Twitch Stream – Spencer Playing Outrun Coast 2 Coast or Overlord

Hey folks, not set on what I’m playing quite yet. There will likely be some Outrun Coast 2 Coast, or Overlord (the first one). I know older content probably doesn’t interest many of you but it’s what I’m in the mood for. If you want to hang in chat I’d love to see you, I quite like a lot of our regulars! Continue reading Come Join My Twitch Stream – Spencer Playing Outrun Coast 2 Coast or Overlord