Category Archives: Mods

These Elden Ring Mods make the game feel more like Bloodborne

Modder ‘Noctis’ has released two new mods for Elden Ring that attempt to make the game feel more like Bloodborne. These are two must-have mods for everyone who wants to experience Bloodborne on PC. I’m still puzzled as to why Sony has not brought this game (or Ghost of Tsushima) on PC yet. But hey, here we are. Continue reading These Elden Ring Mods make the game feel more like Bloodborne

Like a Dragon Gaiden: The Man Who Erased His Name gets Hawaii and Kamurocho map expansions

Modder ‘R0NALDMCDONLD’ has released two mods that bring the Hawaii and Kamurocho maps to Like a Dragon Gaiden: The Man Who Erased His Name. As such, players will be able to fully explore these maps. Continue reading Like a Dragon Gaiden: The Man Who Erased His Name gets Hawaii and Kamurocho map expansions