Category Archives: Mods

Hogwarts Legacy VR Mod already in development, first gameplay footage

Flat2VR is currently working on a VR Mod for the new Harry Potter game that will release this Friday, Hogwarts Legacy. As the title suggests, this mod will allow you to explore Hogwarts, and play the entire game, in VR. And, in order to showcase this mod in action, Flat2VR released the following gameplay video. Continue reading Hogwarts Legacy VR Mod already in development, first gameplay footage

Mass Effect 3 Unofficial Patch 2022 is a must-have mod for the original 2012 version

Modder ‘Orikon’ has released a brand new version of the Unofficial Patch Project for the original Mass Effect 3 game. As said, this patch is for the original game that came out in 2012, and not for the remastered version that is available in Mass Effect Legendary Edition. Continue reading Mass Effect 3 Unofficial Patch 2022 is a must-have mod for the original 2012 version