Category Archives: Mods

First-Person Mod released for Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon: Wildlands

Modder ‘Dudes With Keyboards’ (also known as Tavreth) has released an amazing first-person mod for Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon: Wildlands. As its title suggests, this mod allows you to play the entire game with a first-person camera perspective. Continue reading First-Person Mod released for Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon: Wildlands

Grand Theft Auto Vanilla Vice Mod Version 1.1 available for download

Modder ‘yazlow’ has released a new version of the Grand Theft Auto Vanilla Vice Mod for Grand Theft Auto Vice City. In case you weren’t aware of, this mod packs numerous fixes and new features, though it tries to stay as close to the vanilla experience as possible. Continue reading Grand Theft Auto Vanilla Vice Mod Version 1.1 available for download

Blood – Extra Crispy Mod released, packing more weapons, gore & gameplay enhancements

VGames has released a new graphics overhaul mod for Nightdive Studio’s latest KEX engine remaster of Blood, called Blood – Extra Crispy. Blood – Extra Crispy adds more weapons, more fire modes, more gore, as well as gameplay enhancements. Continue reading Blood – Extra Crispy Mod released, packing more weapons, gore & gameplay enhancements

You can now play God of War on Windows 7/8 thanks to this mod

Sony has released God of War on PC and as we’ve already reported, the PC port is pretty great. However, and by default, the game only runs on Windows 10 and Windows 11. Thankfully, there is a mod now that you can use in order to play it on Windows 7, Windows 8 or Windows 8.1. Continue reading You can now play God of War on Windows 7/8 thanks to this mod