LEGO Universe, the massively multiplayer online adventure game, recently debuted a Free to Play offering, and will celebrate its first anniversary this October. To show how far it’s come and what’s coming next, the LEGO Group will bring LEGO Universe back to New York City for this year’s Pepcom Holiday Spectacular on September 14th, 2011. Continue reading LEGO Universe celebrates First Anniversary→
I don’t know whether this is good or bad news. On one hand, Rockstar Games has just announced that Max Payne 3 is expected to launch on Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and PC in March 2012 in North America and Europe. On the other hand though, March 2012 is so far away that we really don’t feel that much excited. Well… obviously things would be different if, let’s say, the game was coming out in December but March 2012 is almost a year away. Oh, and we should also count for some delays as this is Rockstar we’re talking about. Continue reading Max Payne 3 Coming In March 2012→
Team 17 announced today that Worms Ultimate Mayhem is now available for pre-order on Steam. Worms Ultimate Mayhem is a souped-up, re-vamped, high-definition reimagining of Worms 3D and Worms 4: Mayhem, bringing both games together in one incredibly over-stuffed, over-the-top package, with the further addition of new content and gameplay enhancements. To celebrate, Team 17 have released a brand new gameplay trailer, featuring a bonkers barrage of ballistics, bombs and… barnyard animals. Continue reading Worms Ultimate Mayhem Now Available For Pre-Order on Steam→
OGPlanet announced today the long-awaited update to La Tale, the popular side-scrolling MMORPG. The saga of Iris continues on the floating continent of Preios with its mysterious rival guilds who will determine a character’s reputation throughout the land. Continue reading Massive La Tale Expansion announced + New Screenshots→
So Techland has finally released the ‘real’ version of Dead Island on Steam but there are some of us that are experiencing some annoying microstuttering. Before jumping to early conclusions, this microstuttering takes effect whenever we are moving our characters so it has nothing to do with the graphics card or its drivers. The weird thing though is that this microstuttering is eliminated the moment we connect and try the game with a gamepad. Continue reading Dead Island Microstuttering Can Be Caused By Keyboard; Temporary Fix→
Wolfire Games released a new video for their third person action adventure fighting game, Overgrowth. This new video showcases a new character LOD and fins for fur effects. This LOD system is mind-blowing and carefully developed and as a result of that, you won’t easily notice the different levels of quality that this LOD system introduces. And no, it’s not the same with the one of most other games where the transition between the high and the low polygon model is quite obvious. Enjoy the video after the jump. Continue reading Overgrowth – Alpha 147 showcases amazing character LOD and fins for fur effects→
The first all-gameplay video of Mindemia’s upcoming turn based tactical online combat game has just been released and shows a skirmish between 2 players on the Crossroads level. It has a Commando feel to it although it’s pretty obvious that it needs more polishing. Continue reading Hostile Sector’s first gameplay footage released→
Hard Reset is one of our most highly anticipated FPS games this month and as always, there were some concerns about its DRM system. Obviously there shouldn’t be any as Flying Wild Hog is made by people that have worked in CD Projekt RED… and we know what those lads think about the DRM system that various companies have been using. Continue reading Hard Reset will be DRM-free→