YouTube’s ‘RajmanGaming HD’ has shared a video from the built-in benchmark tool of Watch Dogs Legion. The YouTuber has used an NVIDIA GeForce RTX3090 and as we can see, this $1500 GPU cannot run this new open-world game with 60fps in 4K/Ultra settings. And… that is without the game’s Ray Tracing effects. Continue reading NVIDIA GeForce RTX3090 cannot run Watch Dogs Legion with constant 60fps in 4K/Ultra
Category Archives: PC Performance Analyses
Age of Empires 3 Definitive Edition PC Performance Analysis
Microsoft has just released Age of Empires 3 Definitive Edition on the PC. At first, we weren’t planning to publish a PC Performance Analysis for this title. However, and after benchmarking the game, it became obvious that this remaster is more demanding than we initially thought. Thus, we’ve decided to benchmark it on both AMD’s and NVIDIA’s hardware, and share our findings. Continue reading Age of Empires 3 Definitive Edition PC Performance Analysis
Star Wars Squadrons PC Performance Analysis
Star Wars Squadrons is the latest Star Wars game from Electronic Arts. The game uses the Frostbite Engine, so it’s time now to benchmark it and see how it performs on the PC platform. Continue reading Star Wars Squadrons PC Performance Analysis
Star Wars Squadrons suffers from 30fps animations & 100% CPU usage issues on the PC [UPDATE]
Star Wars Squadrons is now available, however, it appears that the PC version suffers from some optimization issues. The game currently has 30fps animations during both cut-scenes and gameplay sequences. Furthermore, there is a bug/issue that causes the CPU to be used at 100% for the first 5-10 minutes. Continue reading Star Wars Squadrons suffers from 30fps animations & 100% CPU usage issues on the PC [UPDATE]
Mafia Definitive Edition PC Performance Analysis
The remake for the first Mafia game, Mafia Definitive Edition, is finally available on the PC. Powered by the same engine that Mafia 3 uses, it’s time now to benchmark it and see how it performs on the PC platform. Continue reading Mafia Definitive Edition PC Performance Analysis
Boundary Ray Tracing Benchmark cannot run with 60fps on the RTX2080Ti without DLSS, even at 1080p
Surgical Scalpels has just released the ray tracing benchmark tool for Boundary. This benchmark will let you test the game’s ray tracing effects. That is of course if you own a GPU that supports hardware-accelerated Ray Tracing effects. And, the results on the NVIDIA GeForce RTX2080Ti are not that great. Continue reading Boundary Ray Tracing Benchmark cannot run with 60fps on the RTX2080Ti without DLSS, even at 1080p
Serious Sam 4 PC Performance Analysis
Devolver Digital has just released the latest part in the Serious Sam series, Serious Sam 4, on Steam. Powered by the Serious Engine, Serious Sam 4 is one of the few games that supports both the DirectX 12 and Vulkan APIs. As such, it’s time now to benchmark it and see how it performs on the PC platform. Continue reading Serious Sam 4 PC Performance Analysis
Crysis Remastered PC Performance Analysis
Crysis Remastered is a game we’ve been looking forward to. Unfortunately, and as we’ve already reported, there are major issues with this remaster. For starters, its base version is the PS3/X360 and not the original 2007 PC version. Furthermore, the game still suffers from some awful CPU optimization issues, and uses the Denuvo anti-tamper tech. But anyway, it’s time now to benchmark the game and see how it performs on the PC platform. Continue reading Crysis Remastered PC Performance Analysis
Crysis Remastered suffers from single-thread CPU issues, just like the original game
One of the reasons most PC gamers wanted a new version – or remaster/remake if you will – of the first Crysis was due to the game’s inability to take advantage of more than one/two CPU cores. Back in 2007, Crytek assumed that future PC games would be focusing on single-thread CPU performance. As such, the original Crysis is heavily CPU bottlenecked, even on modern-day systems. And, unfortunately, Crysis Remastered suffers from the very same CPU optimization issues. Continue reading Crysis Remastered suffers from single-thread CPU issues, just like the original game
NVIDIA RTX 3080 runs Crysis Remastered in 4K/Max Settings with 25-32fps
Crysis Remastered releases in a few hours, and LinusTech has just shared some initial performance impressions of it. Linus used the latest NVIDIA GPU, the NVIDIA GeForce RTX3080, and ran the game in 4K with its “Can it Run Crysis?” settings. Continue reading NVIDIA RTX 3080 runs Crysis Remastered in 4K/Max Settings with 25-32fps