A lot has already been said about Assassin’s Creed: Unity and to some degree, gamers are right; Assassin’s Creed: Unity is a mess. It’s full of bugs and glitches. However, we should all admit how gorgeous this game actually looks. Assassin’s Creed: Unity is by far the most beautiful game with an amazing lighting system and some glorious Global Illumination effects. Continue reading Assassin’s Creed: Unity – PC Performance Analysis
Category Archives: PC Performance Analyses
Lords of the Fallen – PC Performance Analysis
It’s been almost two weeks since the release of Lords of the Fallen and after receiving numerous patches, it’s time to see how this action RPG performs on the PC platform. Before continuing, allow us to explain what basically happened and why our PC Performance Analysis got delayed. Continue reading Lords of the Fallen – PC Performance Analysis
Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare – PC Performance Analysis
A couple of months ago, we reached out Activision for a Tech Interview about the PC version of Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare. While Activision was at first really open about such a thing, that interview never came to fruition. Not only that, but the big publisher did not provide us with a review code for this new Call of Duty title, something that saddens us because Advanced Warfare performs incredibly well on the PC. In fact, it performs so well that it really puzzles us why Activision refused to let us interview the development team. We know, we know; we can be harsh at times. But when a game performs and looks great, we have no trouble admitting it. So boohoo Activision for not believing in the PC version of Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare. Continue reading Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare – PC Performance Analysis
Sid Meier’s Civilization: Beyond Earth – PC Performance Analysis
Sid Meier’s Civilization: Beyond Earth has just been released and it’s time to see how this new turn-based strategy performs on the PC. Given its PC-only nature, most would expect Civilization: Beyond Earth to be properly optimized for our platform. Well, we are happy to report that Civilization: Beyond Earth performs incredibly well, scales wonderfully on multiple CPU cores, takes full advantage of SLI technology (despite the fact that it’s an AMD-powered game), comes with Mantle support for those owning AMD’s graphics cards, and can run with constant 60fps even on dual-core systems. Continue reading Sid Meier’s Civilization: Beyond Earth – PC Performance Analysis
Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel – PC Performance Analysis
Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel has just been released and it’s time to see how this new title performs on the PC, though we do have to say that we – more or less – already knew what to expect. Deja vu everyone? Well, similarly to F1 2014’s case, Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel performs exactly the same with its predecessor on the PC platform. Continue reading Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel – PC Performance Analysis
F1 2014 – PC Performance Analysis
F1 2014 has just been released and it’s time to see how this new F1 game performs on the PC, though we do have to say that we – more or less – already knew what to expect. You see, after finalizing its engine for old-gen consoles, the Codies is currently working on a brand new engine for F1 2015 that will hit PC, PS4 and Xbox One. This obviously means that the team has not made any major changes or enhancements to the engine powering its F1 series, and as such everything is almost exactly the same as the previous part of this series. Continue reading F1 2014 – PC Performance Analysis
The Evil Within – PC Performance Analysis
The Evil Within is a game most of us were really looking forward to. Developed by the mastermind behind the original Resident Evil, Shinji Mikami returns with yet another survival horror game. And since there was a lot of buzz about this game’s PC requirements, it’s time to see how this new title performs on the PC platform. Continue reading The Evil Within – PC Performance Analysis
NBA 2K15 – PC Performance Analysis
2K Games and CD Media were kind enough to provide us with a review code for NBA 2K15, so it’s time to see how this sports game performs on the PC platform. NBA 2K15 PC is similar to the current-gen console version, which is precisely why we decided to do a Performance Analysis. Continue reading NBA 2K15 – PC Performance Analysis
Ryse: Son of Rome – PC Performance Analysis
Ryse: Son of Rome releases tomorrow and Crytek was kind enough to provide us with a review code prior to the game’s release. Ryse: Son of Rome is powered by CRYENGINE and uses some new advanced techniques that the team introduced to it, so it’s time to see how this game performs on the PC platform. Continue reading Ryse: Son of Rome – PC Performance Analysis
Alien: Isolation – PC Performance Analysis
Alien: Isolation has just been released, and it’s time to see how this current-gen only game performs on the PC platform. Alien: Isolation is developed by The Cretive Assembly, the team behind the Total War series, and is powered by the team’s in-house engine. Naturally – and given The Creative Assembly’s record – a lot of PC gamers were questioning whether the team would be able to offer a polished version of a non-strategy game to its fans. And we are happy to report that Alien: Isolation performs incredibly well on the PC. Continue reading Alien: Isolation – PC Performance Analysis