Devil May Cry: an epic, polarizing series that began in 2001, had a terrible sequel in 2003, fought back with 2005’s worthy third entry, and then went missing in action-gaming after 2007’s well-received DMC 4. Some 12 years later the series is back to deliver the authentic stylized madness fans have been waiting for. So is DMC 5 worthy? Is it brilliant? Is it a must play? Well, you must read on to find out! Continue reading Devil May Cry 5 Review: So Stylish, Very Thrilling, & Too Dull
Category Archives: Reviews
Crackdown 3 – Campaign Review
The past months paint a bleak picture of the high-budget gaming scene following a frighteningly long list of disappointments. Players finally got their hands on the games that have been stimulating their salivary glands for months – or even years – since their announcement, yet the final products only seemed to widen the chasm between publishers and us as consumers deeper and deeper. Continue reading Crackdown 3 – Campaign Review
Far Cry: New Dawn Review
Far Cry: New Dawn is the latest installment in a series that recently turned fourteen years old. New Dawn is not a DLC; it might be considered as an expansion of Far Cry 5 since it continues that story but I think a sequel is a better word to describe it.
God Eater 3 Review: Low Effort Manic Monster Munchin’
I’d never played a God Eater before this third entry. I’d seen them on Steam, but they were all low-quality handheld console ports. Yuck! Finally, with God Eater 3, we have an entry developed for PC claiming high-quality visuals, fast-paced combat, and a serious story! Continue reading God Eater 3 Review: Low Effort Manic Monster Munchin’
Genesis Alpha One Review: Lifeless as the Vacuum of Space
There was once a time when I dreamed of designing video games; I think most gamers do as kids. While this dream ultimately evolved into working in IT, it still left me with a soft spot for indie games/studios. I am usually a bit more forgiving when independent titles lack a little polish, so long as the core framework is there. Genesis Alpha One both captivated me and tried my patience at the same time. Genesis Alpha One is a Resource Management/ FPS game where your one goal is to find a Genesis candidate and start life anew. You are the last hope for humanity, but after the journey… are we even still human? Continue reading Genesis Alpha One Review: Lifeless as the Vacuum of Space
Tales of Vesperia: Definitive Edition – Review
The Tales of, or just Tales, series has always occupied something of a strange blind spot in the résumés of even the most hardened JRPG fans in the West, and I am no exception. Indeed, these games have faithfully preserved so many of the most recognisable motifs of this genre through release after release. Yet, somehow, they have slipped under my radar time and time again. Continue reading Tales of Vesperia: Definitive Edition – Review
Resident Evil 2 Review: Gruesomely Gorgeous
Ah, Resident Evil 2, the 1998 survival-horror classic adored by millions! And now the 2019 survival-horror classic-in-the-making adored by ever growing multitudes. Two games, both excellent, but how does this new RE2 compare? Thankfully, it retains the original survival-horror charm while also delivering a modern experience. Unfortunately, a bit too much outdated design causes it to occasionally stumble and fall like a clumsy zombie. Read on to discover the joys and bugbears of 2019’s RE2. Continue reading Resident Evil 2 Review: Gruesomely Gorgeous
Below – Review
It seems our industry is going through a phase lately where we value games for how much ‘git gud’they can extract from the player. New speedrunning videos constanly flood my YouTube feed, 16-bit games are making an unexpected comeback, and esports champions are regarded as gods in some circles. Then there is also the surge of new rogue-lites on Steam to consider. Continue reading Below – Review
Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden Review
I was never a big fan of turn-based combat and isometric role playing games until I had the pleasure of playing XCOM and Divinity Original Sin. These games were frigging awesome sauce and I am almost certain Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden’s developers will agree with me. The Bearded Ladies (yes that is their glorious name) are the people behind it and if we want to be precise, the game is based on the Swedish (the devs are also Swedish btw) table-top RPG. The initial plan for the game was to be open-world but thankfully the devs decided against it. This is a niche game that borrows a lot of things from XCOM and gives it a very interesting twist. Continue reading Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden Review
Darksiders III – Review
If the action-adventure genre were a record label, the first two Darksiders games would be ‘Greatest Hits’ albums. Vigil Games seemingly collected all their favorite mechanics from games they loved, and then wove an epic saga with The Horsemen of The Apocalypse around these ideas. Their games were like the definition of flattery through imitation. Continue reading Darksiders III – Review