Fallout New Vegas feature

Here are 35 Mods to improve Fallout New Vegas’ gunplay

YouTube’s ‘Mutant Mods’ has shared a list of mods that will significantly improve the gunplay mechanics of Fallout: New Vegas. These mods are a must for everyone who wants to replay this Fallout game. So, let’s take a closer look at them.

Before continuing, here are all the mods that the YouTuber used.

The most important mods from this list are Dramatic Staggering, Ragdolls Mod, Bullet Impact LOD Increased, Physics’ Based Ballistics and Dismemberment Tweaks. These will completely change the way you play the game. So, if you don’t want to download all the aforementioned mods, you can simply focus on these five.

In our opinion, it’s worth using all of them. By using all 35 mods, you can experience Fallout: New Vegas like never before. And yes, all of them are compatible with each other.

In Fallout: New Vegas, there are lots of cool mods to try out. We shared one in August that adds real-time reflections. Another one changes over 1,000 functions to make the game run smoother. Oh, and there’s a mod that reduces landscape texture seams. Plus, there’s a mod to make the game’s characters even smarter. And if you love quests, there’s a mod that gives you an endless supply of new ones.

There are also some cool fan-made expansions for New Vegas. Four of them are being made as we speak. These are Fallout: Broken CityFallout Van buren RemakeFallout: Nuevo Mexico and Star Wars Open Worlds. On the other hand, we have these DLC-sized mods that you can grab and play right now: Fallout New CaliforniaFallout: Free Cheyenne DemoFallout New Vegas: Out of Bounds and Fallout The Frontier.

Finally, here is a showcase video for these mods. In this video, Mutant Mods highlights the improvements that each and every mod brings to the table. So, be sure to watch it.

How GUNPLAY Should've Been in Fallout New Vegas (Vanilla-Friendly Mods)

Have fun and stay tuned for more!