Elden Ring Resurrection Mod

Elden Ring Resurrection is another gameplay overhaul mod, available now for download

Modder ‘Valthryn’ has shared another gameplay overhaul mod for FromSoftware’s fantasy action RPG, called Elden Ring Resurrection. This mod, alongside the Convergence Mod, is best suited for your second playthrough as it can completely change the way you play the game.

According to the modder, Elden Ring Resurrection is a carefully revised gameplay experience for Elden Ring, featuring changes and improvements to gameplay systems, gear progression, animations, camera behavior, and more. Moreover, it comes with entirely new gameplay mechanics and an optional custom camera.

Going into slightly more details, Elden Ring Resurrection improves deflection mechanics, particularly on small shields and weapons. Furthermore, it introduces significant balance adjustments to all player combat animations (weapon movesets, casting movesets and weapon skills). Players can also expect new unique armor effects to all clothing and armor sets, ranging from simple stat increases to complex effects that get stronger as you fight.

It’s also worth noting that this mod adjusts boss fight mechanics, adjusts/tweaks enemy scaling game-wide, and improves consumables. And yes, the mod also packs a number of tweaks and adjustments to the game’s magic system.

You can download this gameplay overhaul mod for Elden Ring from here. Make also sure to read its installation instructions that are available on its NexusMods page.

Speaking of Elden Ring, here are other cool mods that you can download for it. This mod adds seamless co-op functionalities to the game, whereas this mod introduces a parry system similar to that of Metal Gear Rising Revengeance. There is also this mod that introduces an unofficial Survival ModeFlawless Ultrawide is another must-have mod as it enables support for ultra-wide resolutions/monitors. Let’s also not forget the amazing first-person mod. Furthermore, you can download a 25GB HD Texture Pack that upscales over 4500 environmental textures. We should also mention this mod that allows all light sources to cast dynamic shadows. And lastly, we have the amazing DLSS 3 Mod.

Have fun and stay tuned for more!