Senua Saga Hellblade II new screenshots-2

Hellblade 2 is now playable in first-person view with full 6DOF VR support

Owners of VR headsets, get ready for a treat. From the looks of it, Praydog’s UEVR is fully compatible with Senua’s Saga: Hellblade 2, allowing to experience it in full 6DOF VR in both first-person and third-person perspectives.

For those unaware, Praydog’s UEVR is a project that allows PC gamers to experience over 11,000 UE games in 6DOF VR. This is a must-have for all VR gamers.

UEVR works on a universal level and out of the box and doesn’t contain any code about a specific game. For many games, you can just press “inject” and start playing. However, for more experienced VR gamers, there is a lot that you can tweak.

Since Hellblade 2 is powered by Unreal Engine 5, it’s already playable with UEVR. So, if you own a VR headset, I highly recommend downloading it from this link. Once you’ve installed it, you can head over here to download the VR profile for Hellblade 2.

Speaking of Hellblade 2, I also suggest using these tweaks to disable its Black Bars. You can also remove the awful Chromatic Aberration, Depth of Field, and Film Grain effects.

Our PC Performance Analysis for Hellblade 2 will go live tomorrow. So, stay tuned for more.

Finally, here’s a video that showcases Hellblade 2 with UEVR. In this video, we also get to see the game being played in first-person perspective.


Hellblade 2 VR Mod Out Now!