Resident Evil Remake new feature

Resident Evil HD REMASTER just got a must-have AI-enhanced HD Texture Pack that overhauls all 2500 backgrounds

Resident Evil fans, here is something special for you today. Modder ‘Arcturium’ has released a new HD Texture Pack for the remastered HD version of the Resident Evil Remake that came out in 2015. This is a must-have mod for everyone who wants to replay this classic RE game. So, let’s take a closer look at it.

Going into more details, RESCALE is a background restoration mod that aims to bring the fidelity of the original backgrounds to the PC version. As the modder noted, this pack overhauls all of the game’s 2500 backgrounds. And, as you will see, this is a must-have mod.

The modder used as many backgrounds as he could from the original Gamecube release for his upscale and restoration project. Although these backgrounds are three times smaller than the ones used in the PC version, they haven’t been altered by Capcom’s upscaling process. As such, they often look much better. And, when that wasn’t possible, the modder enhanced the PC backgrounds.

The end result is pretty amazing, at least in my opinion. At the end of the article, you can find some comparison screenshots between the vanilla and the modded textures. These screenshots should give you a pretty good idea of what you can expect from them. So, be sure to check them out.

From what I can see, the new textures look WAY BETTER than the original ones. Seriously, some of the original textures are a complete mess. I don’t know what Capcom was smoking while working on it. Just look at the third comparison. No seriously, look at it. The original textures are oversharpened and full of artifacts. They are a mess. So, make sure to download and install this mod.

Speaking of AI-enhanced HD Texture Packs, we also suggest taking a look at these for some other games. In October 2023, STALKER: Shadow of Chernobyl and Half-Life 2 got two cool AI-enhanced HD Texture Packs. Earlier this week, we also shared AI-upscaled packs for Grim Fandango Remastered and BioShock Remastered. Let’s also not forget these AI-enhanced mods for Metal Gear Solid 2 and Metal Gear Solid 3. You can also find packs for Far Cry 3The Elder Scrolls IV: OblivionFinal Fantasy 7 RemakeThe Elder Scrolls IV: OblivionBlood 2Dark Souls 2FEARBatman: Arkham AsylumBrothers in Arms: Road to Hill 30 and Resident Evil 7.

Finally, according to the latest rumors, Capcom may be working on a full remake of the first RE game. This Remake may have a third-person camera, and may come out in 2026. Since this is a rumor, though, I suggest taking it with a grain of salt. So, until Capcom confirms this rumor, you can use this HD Texture Pack to enjoy the 2015 PC version of Resident Evil in all its HD glory.

Have fun!

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