Shadow of the Tomb Raider 4K Texture Pack for NPCs

Shadow of the Tomb Raider Gets a 4K Texture Pack for Main NPCs

Modder ‘Swiz19’ has released a new 4K Texture Pack for Shadow of the Tomb Raider that overhauls all of the game’s main NPCs. But what does the modder mean by saying main NPCs? Simply put, all the NPCs that appear in cut-scenes are the game’s main/story NPCs.

So, this 4K Texture Pack overhauls 10 main story NPCs. These areĀ  Jonah, Unuratu, Diminguez, Etzli, Richard Croft, Amelia Croft, Rourke, Uchu, Miguel and Abby. Additionally, it brings 3 new hairstyles for Jonah, Unuratu and Dominguez.

You can download these 4K textures for Shadow of the Tomb Raider from this link. In order to install, you’ll have to download and setup the Modmanager. Once the mod manager is open, click on install, navigate to the ‘Total NPC Overhaul.rar’, and press open.

Here are also some comparison screenshots between the vanilla (left) and modded (right) NPCs. To be honest, I can’t really see any major differences between the Diminguez model. In fact, the vanilla version of Diminguez seems better or am I going blind here? On the other hand, I can see the improved textures on Unuratu and Jonah.

But anyway, some of you may want that slight extra detail that these 4K textures bring to the table. The pack is also relatively small (around 400MB in size). In other words, you won’t be wasting a lot of space on these 4K textures.

Enjoy and stay tuned for more!

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