Dragon's Dogma 2 feature-3

This Dragon’s Dogma 2 Mod Improves Ray Tracing Quality and Reduces Smearing

Yesterday, we shared a must-have mod for Dragon’s Dogma 2 that improved its mouse camera movement. And, here is another mod that pretty much all DD2 fans should use.

Created by modder ‘sjbox’, this mod improves the quality of ray tracing and reduces its smearing side effects. This mod will noticeably improve the game’s image quality. As such, we highly recommend downloading it from this link.

To make Ray Tracing better, the modder made two big changes. First, he bumped up the ray tracing resolution to full instead of 0.4 (which was the default value). Second, he turned off the awful denoiser that made things blurry when you moved around. This blurriness was really obvious, especially in grassy areas and forests.

Needless to say, this mod also comes with a performance hit. I mean, you can’t expect to get better-quality RT for free, right? So, make sure to keep that in mind. If your PC can barely handle Dragon’s Dogma 2 with RT in its vanilla mode, you should avoid it. At least until Capcom adds official support for DLSS 3 Frame Generation.

Below you can also find a comparison between the vanilla (left) and the modded (right) Ray Tracing. You can easily see the better RT AO in the staircase. In my opinion, though, the biggest improvement is the reduced smearing. I can’t stress enough how bad RT looked in the game under certain scenarios. So, at least for me, this mod is a must.

DD2 vanilla Ray TracingDD2 modded Ray Tracing

As I’ve already said, Dragon’s Dogma 2 currently has major optimization issues on all platforms. Right now, Capcom is looking into improving its CPU performance on the PC. Additionally, the devs are working on improving the image quality of DLSS. As I’ve stated, Dragon’s Dogma 2 currently has the worst DLSS implementation I’ve seen. And while the DLSS 3 Frame Generation Mod is a godsend, I can’t really recommend it. I mean, the game looks like a blurry mess due to DLSS 3 Super Resolution. And yes, even DLAA can’t improve things. So, let’s hope that a fix will come out soon.

Finally, we also recommend downloading the Save Manager Mod. This mod allows you to start a new game, create multiple characters, and have an unlimited number of save files for each character. This is a must for all DD2 players.

Have fun, and stay tuned for more!