STALKER-like anomalies to Fallout New Vegas

This mod adds STALKER-like anomalies to Fallout: New Vegas

Modder ‘Wheaton Adams’ has shared a pretty cool mod for Fallout: New Vegas that adds to it anomalies that are inspired by the STALKER games. This a great mod that a lot of STALKER fans will appreciate. So, let’s take a closer look at it.

Going into more details, this mod adds the classic STALKER-style anomalies to Fallout: New Vegas. The mod uses a mix of the Shadow of Chernobyl and Call of Pripyat logic placement. As such, you can expect small anomalies scattered around the world. There will also be larger clusters that will have artifacts to acquire. These artifacts will require detectors, and they will periodically respawn.

According to Adams, the mod adds all the staples from the main STALKER games, plus Spatial Anomalies that act as one-way fast travel wormholes (and sometimes two-way). As said, you can obtain artifacts using detectors. You can also craft or loot artifacts, usually in areas where engineering or scientific work is involved.

These artifacts can be used in an Artifact Belt to gain benefits, which can be crafted using a weapon repair kit. Moreover, artifacts that give radiation will do so passively if worn on the belt without using countering ones alongside them. Finally, the detectors are used as weapons and will beep over proximity to an artifact they can recognize.

Do note that Adams originally created this mod in 2018, and he does not plan to update it or re-visit it. So, if you don’t like its initial version (which you can download from here), you can remove/delete it.

If you are into Fallout: New Vegas, you can also try these other mods for it. For instance, this mod adds real-time reflections. Another one changes over 1,000 functions to make the game run smoother. Oh, and there’s a mod that reduces landscape texture seams. Plus, there’s a mod to make the game’s characters even smarter. Another must-have mod is this one which improves collision accuracy, and fixes/optimizes meshes. Moreover, you can get this mod that adds physically-based vehicles to the game. And if you love quests, there’s a mod that gives you an endless supply of new ones. Let’s also not forget Visuals Improved Content Expanded Mod. This mod fills the surroundings of Vegas to make it feel more like a real city.

There are also some cool fan-made expansions for New Vegas. Four of them are being made as we speak. These are Fallout: Broken CityFallout Van buren RemakeFallout: Nuevo Mexico and Star Wars Open Worlds. On the other hand, we have these DLC-sized mods that you can grab and play right now. These fan expansion mods are Fallout New CaliforniaFallout: Free Cheyenne DemoFallout New Vegas: Out of Bounds and Fallout The Frontier.

Enjoy and stay tuned for more!

New Vegas : Anomalies & Artifacts Demo 2