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Valheim gets a new role-playing prequel expansion mod

Modder ‘Drengrobot’ has released a pretty cool role-playing prequel expansion mod for Iron Gate’s exploration and survival game, Valheim.

According to its description, Wildling is an expansion in which players must survive as a pre-teen version of their Viking self.

This Valheim expansion mod offers a more quest-like experience than regular Valheim and you should not expect to play in quite the same way or do similar things. There is an adventure and story here that unfolds over the whole map, although it primarily extends your time in the Meadows and Dark Forest.

Wildling is as much about character development and exploration as regular Valheim. The mod also features lesser role-play activities, strategies and secondary achievements.

Like other mods, you can only take Wildling items and characters to servers running with the Wildling mod. You can complete your quests on any world but there is only one quest state per world.

In short, this is a really cool expansion mod for Valheim, and we highly recommend downloading it from here.

Speaking of Valheim, we also suggest trying the following mods. There is a mod that adds The Witcher 3’s Geralt, Ciri, Triss & Yennefer to the game. Moreover, there are mods that overhaul magic, reduce grinding, remove boss healing and allow you to auto-pick items. There are also mods that add bears, lockable doors, airships, and runestones. Let’s also not forget this mod that adds a Hardcore Server Mode. And lastly, there is a 4K Texture Pack that you can download from here, as well as a mod that adds an Experience & Level Up RPG System. Here are also all the Best Valheim Mods that you can download right now.

Have fun!