The Dark Mod 2.12

Version 2.12 of The Dark Mod, THIEF game in the Doom 3 Engine, brings major performance and optimization improvements

The team behind The Dark Mod, a THIEF game that is powered by the Doom 3 Engine, has released a brand new version of it. According to the devs, Version 2.12 brings major performance and optimization improvements.

For those unaware, The Dark Mod is a free dark and moody stealth game, that is heavily inspired by the Thief series by Looking Glass Studios. It’s a great game, so be sure to at least give it a go.

Version 2.12 brings a big improvement to the game by overhauling its culling system. In short, it improves how the game handles things you can’t see, like hidden objects, lights, and shadows. As such, your PC won’t waste resources on things you’re not looking at, making the game run better. You’ll notice that missions which used to slow down your computer now run much more smoothly. So, big thumbs up to the team for this awesome optimization change. If you’re curious, you can find more details about the new culling system here.

This latest version also packs a number of QoL improvements. For instance, the game now has more seamless and accessible controls. Mantling is now smoother, faster, and less prone to cause the player to clip through geometry. Leaning is also more subtle and less prone to cause motion sickness. Plus, you can now configure TDM to automatically loot any frobbed AI.

You can go ahead and download this latest version of The Dark Mod from its official website.

Have fun!

Demo of TDM candle extinguishing

TDM 2.12-FP: Mantle with body or object

TDM 2.12 - New Lean Proposal