
Activision has shut down the H2M Mod for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered

A team of modders was working on a pretty cool mod for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered, called H2M. H2M was aiming to recreate the original MW2 multiplayer experience in COD: MW Remastered. This mod was meant to come out today. However, mere hours before it hit the Internet, Activision has shut it down.

This is one of the main reasons we always suggest keeping a low profile until your fan project is out. Most gamers believed this mod would fall into the “Fair Use” category. However, it appears that Activision was not OK with it.

What’s also funny is that a lot of gamers are currently review-bombing COD: MW Remastered. And, I’m pretty certain that most of them will pre-order Black Ops 6.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered came out in 2017. That’s seven years ago. So, these Overwhelming Negative reviews will not achieve anything. In all honesty, these reviews feel like they are coming from immature people. There is another term for them. Crybabies. If you want to make an impact, do something about the sales of the new COD game. But oh no, you must play it. So yeah, crybabies.

Anyway, it’s a shame that the mod was shut down. From what I could see, it had a lot of potential. And it sucks that Activision shut it down on its launch date. But hey, that’s how the gaming business works. And as I said, if you are unhappy with Activision, STOP BUYING ITS NEW GAMES. Plain and simple.

Finally, I’ve included the official trailer for the H2M Mod below. This video should give you an idea of what its modding team was trying to achieve. So, go ahead and take a look.


H2M-MOD Official Trailer (MW2 Remastered Mod)