AI Limit feature

AI Limit Is a New Souls-Like Action RPG, Coming to PC in 2024

CE-Asia and Sense Games have just announced their new Souls-like action RPG, AI Limit. AI Limit will be coming to PC in 2024, and below you can find its debut gameplay trailer.

In this post-apocalyptic wasteland sci-fi ARPG, you will play as Arrisa, a Blader with immortality. According to the game’s description, layers will explore the city ruin to find the hope of a new life.

Now as you will see in the following trailer, the game feels like Dark Souls. It has similar combat encounters, and it has similar dodge and parry mechanics. So, basically, a new Dark Souls clone with a different art style.

According to the devs, the game will have a wide variety and number of weapons. Players will be able to mix and match their weapons and weapon skills. Additionally, they’ll be able to increase Sync Rate with brave attack and wise defense to become even mightier in battle.

Sadly, AI Limit appears to be too late to the Souls-like party. At this point, we’ve been bombarded with a lot of Dark Souls clones. And I’m also certain that there won’t be any story-driven elements in this game too. A lot of the Dark Souls clones try to even replicate the minimal story bits of Elden Ring/Dark Souls, which is kind of ridiculous.

Now I’d be all over the place for a more story-driven Souls-like game. You know, a game with a deep story, full of twists. Because even Lies of P or Lords of the Fallen failed to deliver on that aspect. And, realistically speaking, that’s a lot to ask for a small team like Sense Games.

So yeah, while AI Limit appears to have a cool art style, I’m not that interested in it. Still, I hope all the best Sense Games. After all, it appears that there are still a lot of PC gamers that enjoy Souls-like titles.


AI Limit - Official Gameplay Trailer