Alice: Madness Returns appeared on Steam

We all remember the fuzz about Crysis 2’s disappearance from Steam. Although we thought that EA would try to take full advantage of their latest distribution service, Origin, it appears that they don’t want to miss out the extra revenue that can be generated by Steam. As a result of that, Alice: Madness Returns is now also available on Valve’s distribution service.
EA PR Director, Amanda Taggart, said:
“EA Partners and Spicy Horse Games appreciate Steam’s decision to sell Alice: Madness Returns.   The game is also available on several other download services including Amazon, Gamestop and”
But wait a minute. According to EA, Crysis 2 violated a Steam agreement and was removed. That agreement was its appearance to another digital download service. How come then Alice: Madness Returns is now available on both Origin and Steam? And how come it didn’t violate the same rule Crysis 2 did?
Something is really fishy here…