Battlegrounds Passes 20 Million Copies Sold

Battlegrounds is smashing through records since it’s release back in March and now recent news from Brendan (Player Unknown) Greenes Twitter is that Battegrounds has surpassed the 20 million copies sold mark.

Two months ago Battlegrounds took first place on the Steam Concurrent players charts, moving ahead of the titan Dota 2 with a player count of 1.3 million, 50,000 more than Dota 2. Since then Battlegrounds has been breaking records again and again, less than a month later player count rose and passed 2 million. I have been reading elsewhere that the player count is expected to reach 2.5 million soon but no official sources can back this up.

Keep in mind on a purely ‘copies sold’ basis the game has not even been released with the Xbox One X yet and is purely a exclusive PC title, I wonder what Blueholes copies onĀ  yearly scale will be once it’s released on console.

Source: Gamasutra