Black State feature-1

Black State appears to be a “Metal Gear Solid meets The Matrix” third-person action adventure, powered by Unreal Engine 5

Now here is something that came out of nowhere. Developer Motion Blur has announced a new third-person action adventure game that appears to be heavily inspired by Meta Gear Solid and The Matrix. This new title is called Black State, and below you can find its debut in-engine gameplay trailer.

As you will see, the gameplay and combat mechanics of Black State are similar to those of Metal Gear Solid 5. The main protagonist can stealthily approach enemies, similarly to how Big Boss could in MGS 5. Not only that, but they have “copied” MGS 5’s CQC.

IGN who shared the trailer claimed that there are Portal elements to the game. After watching the trailer, though, I didn’t really see anything similar to Portal. Instead, I got some The Matrix vibes. To be more precise, the way the doors work is similar to what we saw in The Matrix movies. Moreover, the main character somehow resembles Keanu Reeves.

According to the press release, the game will let players open doors to many different places. This will make the gameplay exciting and always changing. Every time you open a door, you can find yourself in a new adventure, which makes the game thrilling and a bit dangerous. You can also go back through the same door, giving you control over where you explore.

It’s also worth noting that Black State looks incredible. As you will see, this is indeed pre-alpha gameplay footage. PC gamers will immediately notice the traversal -and/or shader compilation – stutters. Performance also appears to be below 60fps, though we don’t know the PC system the devs used. Still, since there is no ETA on when the game will come out, we can assume that things will only get better from here.

All in all, Black State looks pretty interesting. My only fear is that this tech demo may be the only thing Motion Blur currently has. This could be a demo so that the devs can secure funding. We’ve seen this in a lot of games. So yeah, until we get a release date, I’ll remain skeptical about it. Still, I really liked everything I saw.

Enjoy and stay tuned for more!

Black State - Official Reveal Trailer (Metal Gear Meets Portal?)