Brutal Doom 64

Brutal Doom 64 – New version comes with better textures, new death animations & improved sounds

Modder ‘SGtMarkIV’ released a new version of Brutal Doom 64. According to the release notes, this new version comes with better textures (as he re-imported all textures from D64 Absolution in .png format), a new system to make flares on lamps look much better, and better sounds.

In this new version of Brutal Doom 64 , the modder also added a new death animation for Zombies, Imps, and Pinkies when killed with the chainsaw or BFG, added hitboxes for the heads of Zombies and Imps, and improved the hellgate and changed the whole battle at the end of map08.

Furthermore, the modded revamped the pistol and the chainsaw, increased plasmagun fire rate, added an alt fire mode for the Super Shotgun (now players can fire only one barrel at time by pressing the right mouse button), and added more ammo on several levels.

Those interested can download this new version of Brutal Doom 64 from here.


Brutal Doom 64 Update 1