Brutal Wolfenstein FE Version 14, also known as Wolfenstein X, is now available for download

V0RPAL has released a new version of Brutal Wolfenstein FE. Brutal Wolfenstein FE is an enhanced version of the Brutal Wolfenstein 3D mod for Doom 2. So yeah, if you loved Brutal Doom, you’ll definitely love Brutal Wolfenstein FE.

According to the modder, version 14 introduces the jumpkick, new balanced beastiary of nazis, and re-balances weapons. Moreover, it adds new enemies such as the Eisensoldat, Tiger Tank, Super Solider (Trans Grosse), Black Uniform SS Trooper, and Dr.Schabbs.

V0RPAL has also announced that it is currently working on a custom 32-megawad level pack. This level pack is called Wolfenstein: Vanguard and will release in the following weeks.

You can download Brutal Wolfenstein FE – which is now called Wolfenstein X – from here.

I’ve also included below some gameplay videos that will give you an idea of this mod.

Have fun!