Resident Evil PSX

Capcom rumored to be working on a remake of the first Resident Evil game on the REX Engine

It appears that Capcom may be working on a remake of the first Resident Evil game on the REX Engine. According to industry insider, DanielRPK, this is indeed a project that Capcom has greenlit and is currently working on.

Now as with all rumors, I strongly suggest taking it with a grain of salt. For what it’s worth, DanielRPK is considered a reliable source, which is why I’ve decided to share this rumor with you.

From a business perspective, it makes sense to remake the first Resident Evil game. Both Resident Evil 2 Remake and Resident Evil 4 Remake were commercial successes. So, a remake of the first RE game on the REX Engine makes sense. Still, you’d expect Capcom to move forward, not backward. Guess the Japanese team will try to milk its golden RE cow as much as possible.

Since all the recent Resident Evil remakes were third-person games, we can assume that this will also use a 3rd-person viewpoint. Plus, since RE1 is really old, it would definitely benefit from a remake. Still, why does Capcom skip Code Veronica? And what about those rumors about a remake of Resident Evil 5?

It’s also worth noting that in December 2022, Capcom shut down two RE fan remakes. One of them was for the first Resident Evil game, whereas the second was for Code Veronica. Both of them would have been third-person action-adventure titles. So, perhaps that’s why Capcom shut them down? Sounds plausible.

Anyway, at this point, we don’t have any other details to share about this rumored remake. This isn’t, of course, the first time we hear about Capcom remaking RE1. We’ve heard this rumor numerous times in the past couple of years. And, personally, I’m somewhere in the middle. I’m not that excited by it, but I’ll definitely play it.

So, if someone like Dusk Golem backs up these claims, we can almost be certain that a RE Remake is indeed in development. Dusk Golem is a well-known Capcom insider. Thus, it will be interesting to see his reaction regarding this latest rumor.

Stay tuned for more!