Grand Theft Auto V feature-2

Confirmed – Grand Theft Auto V Will Receive ENBSeries Modding Treatment

Grand Theft Auto V will be soon released on the PC and a lot of people wondered whether Boris Vorontsov would create an ENBSeries mod for it. Well, it has just been confirmed that GTA V will receive the ENBSeries treatment as it is the next game that Boris will mod.

As Boris confirmed on ENBSeries’ official FB page:

“Anyway, it’s the next project [GTA V] i’m waiting for modding, hope PC version will not suck as GTA 4 was without patches. If someone can recommend any other upcoming and promising game for modding, post a suggestion.”

It will be interesting to see what modders will be able to achieve with it.

ENBSeries mods are best known for offering SSAO, SSIL, Depth Of Field, Lens FX, Bloom, True HDR, Tone Mapping, Sharpening, Vignette, Sun Rays, Shadows, Detailed Shadows and Proper Reflections.

Grand Theft Auto V is currently scheduled for an Autumn 2014 release!