Crysis 3 won’t concentrate on ‘wow’ graphics, will try to offer a great all-round experience

After the lackluster second part of Crysis, a lot of PC gamers began wondering whether Crysis 3 would be concentrating on graphics or gameplay. Well, it seems that Crytek will focus on both of these elements, as well as the game’s storyline in an attempt to offer a great all-round experience, instead of focusing on a single specific aspect. This also means that the company will not push the graphical boundaries, as they’re targetting for a special artistic take on Crysis 3 and not for countless particle effects and ‘wow-ish’ graphics.
That was revealed at the official FB page of the game. According to Crytek, Crysis 3 has a very deep story that progresses in a linear fashion. Wait what? A deep story… in an FPS… and especially in a Crysis game. Okay, we’re a bit sceptical and it seems like a typical PR answer but let’s overlook this for a second and give Crytek the benefit of doubt. In addition, the company claimed that Crysis 3 is going to help answer a lot of those ‘Crysis / Warhead / Crysis 2’ questions that players have been asking for years. And Psycho will also be present in Crysis 3, in an attempt to ‘marry’ the first Crysis games with Crysis 2 and 3.
From the graphics side, what Crytek wanted to bring to the fore is something more organic that has a mix of man-made elements combined with living, breathing flora and fauna. And as the company stated:
“If we simply had the graphics driving everything here, we wouldn’t be able to do the things I outlined above. It’s nice to have realistic lighting, particle effects that provide that “wow” factor and water that looks like something you would go swimming in. But we also need certain elements to drive those things ahead and help us make a better engine not only for ourselves, but all projects that use our technology platform.”
This basically means that Crysis 3 will not ‘wow’ with its graphics. In other words, don’t expect to be amazed by the image fidelity of it. Truth be told, Crytek has stated that the PC version will get some extra love and that it will support DX11 from the start. However, we don’t think that this will be enough.
Here is hoping that we’re proven wrong.
Crysis 3 is currently planned for a 2013 release on current generation consoles and PC!