Bleak Faith Forsaken feature

Epic Games comments on Elden Ring’s stolen animations accusations

A couple of days ago, people accused Archangel Studios of stealing animations from Elden Ring. As the developers claimed, though, those animations are part of an asset pack that is currently available for purchase on the Epic Games Store. Naturally, the devs contacted Epic Games who commented on the integrity of this asset pack.

From the looks of it, Epic Games cannot verify whether or not this pack features any stolen assets. This is hilarious. Not only that, but Epic Games cannot make any guarantee to the purchasers of the content they are buying.

As Epic Games told Archangel Studios:

“Pursuant to the Marketplace Distribution Agreement, each Marketplace seller represents and warrants to Epic that they have appropriate rights to upload their content. As with any store that hosts third-party content, however, Epic is not in a position to independently verify such rights, and Epic makes no such guarantee to purchasers of the content.”

It’s obvious that Epic Games does not want to get involved in this mess. Instead of providing a solution, the team is simply trying to sweep it under the rug.

For what it’s worth, Archangel Studios aims to replace some of the game’s animations. Therefore, this should satisfy those that accused them of stealing them.

Stay tuned for more!

Bleak Faith: Forsaken - Launch Trailer