The Lords of the Fallen new screenshots-5

Epic Games will be the exclusive distributor for Lords of the Fallen 2 on PC, targeting a 2026 release date

CI Games signed up a publishing deal with Epic Games for the sequel to Lords of the Fallen, which targets a 2026 release date. According to the contract, Epic Games will be responsible for the release of Lords of the Fallen 2 for the “entire product life cycle.”

While the contract does not specify the digital platforms for which the game will come out on PC, we can assume that it will be available exclusively on Epic Games Store. At least for its first year. So, this will be a similar situation to Alan Wake 2 (which is also distributed by Epic Games on PC).

As the press report reads.

“The Management Board of Cl Games SE with its registered office in Warsaw (the “Company”) hereby announces that on 14 June 2024 the Company signed a binding term sheet with Epic Games Inc (“Epic”) pursuant to which the Company grants Epic the exclusive worldwide distribution rights to the sequel of the game “Lords of the Fallen” (working title: Project 3) (the “Game”) on the PC platform for the entire product life cycle (the “Binding Term Sheet”).”

As you read, the report does not mention any exclusivity to EGS, or that the game will not come out on Steam. I’m saying this because some media misread the report. So, there is still a chance we see this game on Steam. Just don’t expect it at launch.

CI Games and Epic Games plan to release Lords of the Fallen 2 in 2026. The teams will continue to negotiate a detailed publishing agreement, which CI Games will announce in a separate current report.

For what it’s worth, the first Lords of the Fallen came out on Steam in 2023. So yeah, that’s a bummer for all PC fans of this franchise who are not fond of Epic Games Store.

This publishing deal also confirms that Lords of the Fallen 2 will be using Unreal Engine 5. This is to be expected as the first Lords of the Fallen also used UE5.

CI Games clarified that it retains all IP ownership, and shared the following quote.

“CI Games retains all IP ownership, with Epic Games Publishing responsible for the exclusive distribution of the game on PC; further details on this and publishing to be shared in the future.”

Stay tuned for more!