Final Fantasy XIV Endwalker feature

Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker PC Benchmark available for download

Square Enix has released the official PC benchmark for Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker. PC gamers can download, test their systems, and see whether they can run this latest expansion of Final Fantasy XIV.

In Endwalker, players will experience the climax of the Hydaelyn and Zodiark story, and encounter an even greater calamity than ever before as you travel to the far reaches of Hydaelyn and even to the moon.

Here are also its key features:

  • Level cap raised from 80 to 90
  • New jobs
  • Expansive new areas, including Garlemald, Thavnair, and the city of Radz-at-Han
  • New tribes and new threats
  • New dungeons and raids
  • A new small-scale PvP mode
  • An additional Trust ally: Estinien Wyrmblood
  • A new residential district: Ishgard
  • Updates to the Gold Saucer
  • Relaxing fun in Island Sanctuary

You can download the Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker PC Benchmark from here. Below you can also find a video that shows all of its benchmark scenes!