Dragon Ball Z Kakarot Vegito

First mod for Dragon Ball Z Kakarot adds Ultrawide 21:9 monitor support with proper FOV

WT3WD has released the first proper mod for Dragon Ball Z Kakarot. As the title suggests, this mod removes the black bars from scenes and gameplay when using an ultrawide resolution, and fixes the FOV. As such, owners of 21:9 monitors can finally enjoy this latest DBZ game.

In order to showcase the mod in action, WT3WD released the following screenshots. As we can clearly see, the game can now run properly with ultra-wide resolutions. What’s also cool is that all the HUD icons are properly placed, and are not in the center.

You can download this Ultrawide Fix mod for Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot from here.

Before closing, there is also another mod that removes some HUD elements when you are fighting enemies. There are currently three options you can select from or combine them, which are:

  • NoBattleDamageValues: Remove the numbers shown nearby character when hitting them.
  • NoTargetCrosshair: Remove the target crosshair that indicate which enemy your are locking.
  • NoFinishText: Remove the FINISH text displayed during the slow-motion at the end of a combat.

Have fun!