Gamedigital retailer reveals new Medal of Honor and Need for Speed games from EA’s confidential presentation

Gamedigital, a UK retailer has just hinted at something really big. Something that should not be known to all of us, as it was revealed during EA’s confidential presentation that took place a few hours ago. According to the UK retailer, that presentation was really great as EA have mentioned a new Medal of Honor game and Need For Speed 13.
The UK retailer was quick enough to delete that tweet. Well, not quick enough actually as the information has been spread like a virus. The original message was this:
“EA presentation was great, had mentions of a new Medal of Honour and Need for Speed 13! EA have an exciting year ahead”
A new Need For Speed game comes as no surprise. After all, we’ve had annual NFS titles these past few years. But a new Medal of Honor title? Now that sounds interesting, though we are really curious about whether or not this will be another reboot for this legendary franchise.
Stay tuned for more!