Ion Maiden is a new retro shooter from 3D Realms, now available on Steam Early Access

3D Realms has just released on Steam Early Access a new retro first-person shooter that is built on the Build engine, Ion Maiden. Ion Maiden is inspired by classic shooters such as Duke Nukem 3D, Blood, Shadow Warrior and other 90’s hits, and features bigger levels, hundreds of new colors, and morphing maps that transform mid-level.

The current Early Access version is called “Preview Campaign”, and includes an exclusive Ion Maiden Mini-Campaign. The final game, which will be released in around six months, will feature:

  • The true successor to classic shooters such as Duke Nukem 3D, Shadow Warrior and Blood.
  • Built using the original “Build” engine, with additional enhancements to further improve the technology.
  • Beautiful hand-crafted artwork, built using original old-school tools and methodologies.
  • 7 exciting Zones, each spanning multiple maps.
  • Tons of enemies, weapons and carnage!
  • Best of both worlds! ION MAIDEN brings back the classic ’90s FPS action you love, with modern additions such as physics and checkpoints.
  • Classic level design, no procedural generation! Expect multiple paths, cool effects, and complex set pieces!
  • True tracked module music!
  • Incredible weapons with alternate firemodes!
  • Easy access to development tools and modding (Steam Workshop) on day one!
  • … And about Multiplayer… Stay tuned!

Below you can find some screenshots from Ion Maiden that look retro-lovely.
