Just Cause 3 – PC Performance Patch Delayed Until Next Week

Avalanche Studios has just revealed that the PC performance patch for Just Cause 3 has been delayed until next week. Avalanche did not reveal a specific day, so this patch may hit Steam on Monday or next Friday.

As Avalanche noted:

“To correct yesterday’s announcement on the JC3 patch – console users should see the patch filter through today, PC gamers should expect this next week. Please stay tuned and we will update you with the patch date as soon as possible.”

Here is the changelog for this performance patch that has already been released on consoles:

  • Reduced initial loading time and in-game loading screens by 20-50%
  • Fixed several memory leaks resulting in crashes
  • Reduced a number of random crashes
  • Improved streaming of game world
  • Some performance optimizations related to hitches and stuttering
  • Implemented DLC system in preparation of the Air, Land and Sea packages