In an interview with German PC gaming website,, Avalanche’s Roland Lesterlin revealed that the game will be completely playable offline, and that there won’t be any always-online restriction.
“We want to make the game accessible to as many people as possible.” said Roland Lesterlin and when he was asked whether the game would be playable offline, Roland replied with one and only word.
In Just Cause 3, players will take the role of Rico and will be able to explore a Mediterranean island paradise with complete vertical freedom.
Players will be able to glide through the air and swoop across mountains with your Wingsuit, and use their Grapple and Parachute to scale buildings, hijack vehicles, move quickly or tether objects together for creative new ways to cause Chaos.
Enjoy and stay tuned for more!
John is the founder and Editor in Chief at DSOGaming. He is a PC gaming fan and highly supports the modding and indie communities. Before creating DSOGaming, John worked on numerous gaming websites. While he is a die-hard PC gamer, his gaming roots can be found on consoles. John loved – and still does – the 16-bit consoles, and considers SNES to be one of the best consoles. Still, the PC platform won him over consoles. That was mainly due to 3DFX and its iconic dedicated 3D accelerator graphics card, Voodoo 2. John has also written a higher degree thesis on the “The Evolution of PC graphics cards.”
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