KURSK version 2.0 brings new animations, a more user-friendly UI, improved visual effects & more

Jujubee has just updated its documentary-adventure game Kursk to version 2.0 which greatly enhances the player’s overall gaming experience. According to the press release, the studio listened to the community’s requests as well as to each and every review posted on Steam.

Kursk has been updated with enhanced and new animations, a more user-friendly UI, new and improved visual effects and with more ambient sounds to boost the game’s atmosphere. The players have reported that the loading times were too long and they too have been taken care of as the team has drastically decreased their duration.

It’s also worth mentioning that the digital artbook has been updated, containing 117 pages of concept art with the submarine’s design, sections, environments, dedicated assets, equipment, characters, and a whole lot more.

As always, Steam will download this patch the next time you launch its client!