Lossless Scaling feature

LSFG 2.1 introduces X3 frame generation which will effectively triple your framerates

THS has released a new version of LSFG (Lossless Scaling Frame Generation) which adds support for an X3 frame generation mode. According to the modder, this will effectively triple your framerates, and it will not bring any additional input lag over the previous X2 frame generation mode.

As THS noted, you’ll get the exact same latency lag with X3 as you did with X2. Apparently, latency is affected by the base framerate and when the GPU is fully utilized. Or at least that’s what the modder claimed. For the best experience in both image smoothness and latency, it is recommended to lock the game framerate at 1/3 of the monitor’s refresh rate in X3 mode.

Moreover, X3 has increased GPU load by approximately 1.7 times compared to X2 mode. At the same time, LSFG 2.1 Performance and LSFG 1.1 have been optimized to be 20% faster in X2 mode compared to the previous version.

Ironically, LSFG 2.1 may give us a look at the future versions of DLSS Frame Generation. We’ve heard that NVIDIA was experimenting with the idea of introducing more than one interpolated frame in DLSS. And that’s exactly what LSFG 2.1 does. The fact that it does not affect input lag is another factor why the green team may actually add this feature to DLSS.

In LSFG 2.1, there’s also a new feature for when the game’s frame rate is higher than your monitor’s refresh rate. Before, LS would create all the frames, but some would get thrown away because the monitor couldn’t show them all. Now, LS will skip making the extra frames but still keep everything smooth. This way, it saves your computer’s power and works just as well as before.

I haven’t tested this latest version of LSFG or the new X3 Mode, so I can’t comment on them. What I do know, though, is that the previous version of LSFG, LSFG 2.0, was pretty amazing. Yes, it introduced a very slight input delay but in most cases, it was almost impossible to take notice of it. LSFG works with GPUs from all vendors, and I highly recommend using it. As I’ve already said, it’s way better than AMD’s AFMF.

You can get LSFG from Steam for 6,89€.

Have fun!